08 April 2007

MSR drops into town

My high school friends of over 20 years, aka the MSR, just spent the Holy Week here in Bangkok with two of them, Heidee and Marla (with husband Roy) having flown back to Manila this afternoon, and Jika (with husband Mike and son Joshua) flying back on Tuesday.

No, MSR does not stand for some chick squad spun off an 80's version of "Mean Girls." It's an acronym Jika and I coined after picking up an ad agency habit of submitting Weekly Status Reports to clients. After college, the Monthly Status Report (MSR) was launched amongst the four of us --- catch up with each other every month --- which has amazingly persisted to this day. To my knowledge, the only times any of us had missed an MSR (if at all) was whenever something absolutely unavoidable happens like giving birth or relocating to another country for work. Yes, even in between travels and honeymoons, we still manage to see each other.

With my recent posting, I've obviously missed out on a couple of MSR's. It was really such a treat having all of them over (complete attendance!) at the same time. They were apparently planning to come here during my birthday but my parents had that covered. Hence, they came the next soonest time possible they could all come together. The other blessing? Good Friday (6 Apr) was also a national Thai holiday (Chakri Memorial Day) so I got to maximise the time I had with them.

Here with Heidee, Jika and Marla during my despedida (send-off) dinner last year at Fire Lake Grill in Tagaytay (Philippines).

More on the MSR visit...

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